Do you believe this??? I do! Well, for the most part…excluding that scary dream that I keep having of going to Miss America and opening my luggage to find that all I’ve packed is 12 boxes of Velveta Shells and Cheese, and a purple sequin tutu. Yes…it is a rather odd dream. I’m pretty sure that is not a wish my heart is making, just some mumbo-jumbo my mind configures in my deepest realms of sleep. Haha…okay.
The past couple of weeks have been very princess filled for me! To start, I did Chic-Fil-A Fairy Tale Evenings at all of the Lexington and Richmond locations. I believe it was just as entertaining for me as it was for the little girls (and boys) who came and participated! There was a station set up for the girls to get their nails polished, princess makeovers, pictures, prince charming, princess cow and knight cow! It was a big fairy tale party! The little girls came all dressed up in their princess outfits, it was just precious. I even got to sit on the Chic-Fil-A throne :o) I heard “PRINCESS TIANA!!!” several times! Most of the little girls thought I was Princess Tiana (from the Princess and the Frog) and were in awe of my “real crown”. I enjoyed being able to make every little girl feel like the most special girl in the room. I too felt like the most special girl in the room UNTIL…they saw the cows! Apparently the cows were so much cooler than me! But, I can’t lie, I kind of wished I was in that cow suit. What better wayto fulfill my childhood dream? There were little boys too. They were just too cute and super shy! Well, most of them...not my transforming friend pictured below :o)
11 days of deep fried bliss!
You guessed it! The Kentucky State Fair!!! Kicked off eeeearly Thursday (Aug. 30th) morning, with the Commodities Breakfast at 6:45 am...oh joy :o) I met a lot of people that morning, ate the best sausage I've EVER had in my life, and every bit of styling I had attempted to do to my hair that morning was overcome and defeated by the cloud of fog which so conveniently found its way to the fair grounds. HOWEVER, one cloud of fog doesn't stop the show now does it??? Nope! After the breakfast I still made my way around the fair, seeing ALL I could see. This was my first state fair ever! So it was quite an exciting venture. 
I learned a lot about the origin and history of the state fair, and I must say, it is such a beautiful thing to see something blossom the way the Kentucky State Fair has. What started out as a venue for agricultural, stock, and cattle competitions and markets, has become something that the whole family and even those not deeply involved in agriculture can enjoy! There's food, games, rides, health fair, trade show, cooking show, cattle showings, produce competitions...LOTS GOING ON!!! I am learning new things everyday. One day I was walking through an aisle of corn. I noticed some of the corn had ribbons on it, and some didn't. Now...I have NEVER in my life heard of award winning corn. How do you judge that??? I have no clue! My only question is..."Is it edible and yummy?" and if the answer is yes, then *ding*ding*ding* we have a winner! haha...but really, my point in saying that is this: We all have a passion in life. Whether it be farming, singing, or eating, we all love to do something. I am proud of that award winning corn for the simple fact that someone has invested their time and energy in it. That corn is award winning because it has something that the other ears don't. Now while I don't know what that is, corn competitors and judges do, and just because I don't know what it is, doesn't make it any less important. Love what ya do and do what ya love!
Ham never looked so good! That's right...I'm talking about that $1.6 milllion ham.
I'm pretty sure that running that 16 lb ham back and forth in my 5 inch heels made up for aaaalll of the workouts I have NOT done since July 17, 2010, haha...but really, it was a workout. I always knew I would have that much money in my hands one day, but I never knew it would be this soon! The Kentucky Farm Bureau's 47th Annual Country Ham Breakfast auctioned off a 16.05 lb country ham for $1.6 miilion. The bidders will get to choose what charities will benefit from the money that was bid on the ham. I know from the outside looking in, it may seem silly to bid $1.6 million on a ham, BUT...that is not the point. You see, in my opinion, it is not really the ham that is being bid on, it is the charity. The money that the bidder puts towards the ham goes directly to the charity of their beautiful is that?
In the midst of going back and forth to Chic-Fil-A Princess Nights, and the State Fair, I was able to make it out to beautiful Western Kentucky by way of Kutawwa (Lake Barkley)! Went out there for the Lake Barkley BBQ Festival and had myself a good ole time :o) One thing I can definitely say about my year so far is that I am falling more and more in love with Kentucky everyday. There are some truly beautiful souls here in the bluegrass, and I feel so blessed to be able to spend a year meeting many of them! Needless to say, I had a grand time out at Lake Barkley!

Because of obligations to the State Fair, I was not able to make it down to Orlando until Thursday!!! While most of the other Miss State's had arrived on Monday and Tuesday. It's all good though! I still got to see Laura on her talent night, and she did phenomenal as always!!! Let me just tell y'all a little something about my LauraBoo... I LOVE HER. She is beautiful on the inside and out, and her inner beauty is what truly makes her glow. It is what sets her apart. And that, my friends, is the epitomy of excellence. On that final night, there was nothing she could have done any better than she did, she was absolutely fabulous. And I'll tell you what...if I have ever heard Laura play that fiddle, she played that fiddle like it was going out of style on Saturday night!!! She looked radiant in her evening gown and answered her onstage question like a star! She is just such a beautifully poised young woman, and I am so proud of her and love her ;o)

Got to meet the other Miss girls down in Orlando! That was nice. Everyone seems so nice, and I'm glad about that. I really look forward to the time we'll all get to spend together in Vegas!!! Although I was late arriving, I did make the most of my time there, and even got to stay a couple extra days! Thursday, as soon as I arrived I was rushed to the hotel to do some viral marketing recording for ABC. I had fun with it, and was myself as always. That was followed by dinner at Maggiano's, hosted by Mary Sullivan and Regalia. It was yummy! And the night concluded with the last teen preliminary competitio, in which Laura did amazing. I figured that talent would be between Laura and Alabama, who did a very spunky/sassy dance, ballet on pointe to be exact, to MJ's "The Way You Make Me Feel". The next morning we were up and at 'em pretty early at THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!!! Did some video recording, interviews, and photos and also got to ride a few rides :o) It was a good day, which was followed by a fundraiser that evening. It was a good time! While I spent a good 30% of the party resting my po' lil feet, there was dancing, socializing, was just a good time.
Saturday we had a meeting about production, sponsors, what Vegas will be like, what Miss America will be like, what being Miss America will be was a very good and productive meeting. I would however, like to clear the air just a little. I 've had a lot of people approach me in both a serious and joking matter saying "I heard you asked Caressa about her wigs!!!" Check it out, this was the jist of the conversation :o) Caressa had already proceeded to talk about hair care, in referenc to all contestants, she was specifically speaking on highlights, weaves, and any other procedures you could have done to your hair that would eventually be time consuming in the long run. I asked her what kind of weave did she wear at Miss America. I was also curious to know about the opportunities and amount of time she had alotted for hair care, which she let me know wasn't much because unfortunately she has not had a relaxer since Miss America :o( I can completely understand. Some things you have to understand when it comes to African American hair care are:
1. You do not let just anyone and everyone touch and do your hair. You just don't; African American hair is just too fragile. And contrary to popular belief, we do not all have the same type of hair. So when we have our beauticians, we are pretty loyal to them, because they understand our hair and the specific care it needs.
2. Look, I could right a whole blog on this, which I think I will do. Yes, thanks for the idea :o) So for now, I think #1 serves as sufficient enough insight.
N E X T ! ! !
Although I was scheduled to head out on Sunday, I was able to get my flight changed and stay a couple extra days! Disney gave us park passes, so I stayed a couple extra days and got to enjoy the parks. Shout out to New Jersey and Massachusettes, my roomies ;o) We had a good time down there! I think I may be changing my career goals pretty soon, haha... I was so taken by how princess likeand animated the Disney princesses were! I'm pretty sure they take princess classes! I watched them very closely and have been, watch out Disney ;o)
Well folks, it seems that I have yet again managed to squeeze 2-3 weeks worth of blogging into one blog post. I did promise that I would get better and post more frequently which I will. There are often times that I want to share with you all, along with my experiences, thoughts that I often have as I go throughout the year, insightful and interesting things about me and life...I think I will start to post those things as well. Until next know how it goes...PICTURE TIME!!!!
OH! And this post is dedicated to my beautiful LauraBoo. She is truly a Proverbs 31:30 woman.
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." I think that Just about sums it up ;o)
My Lovely Laura |
In between events at Lake Barkley! They caught me half passed out on the couch, haha... |
Monica Hardin, Miss Kentucky 2001 and me :o) |
The million dollar ham and it's lovely bidders! |
I ate LOTS of chicken that week :o) |
He's such a ladie's |
Miss America Class of 2011 :o) |
It's yumma! |
!OJO! |
What a pleasant surpise ;o) Thanks for coming Candace!
And of course there are many many MANY more pictures on my Facebook, so be sure to check it out. Until next time, which hopefully won't be long....Be Beautiful! Be You!
Always Love,
DjuanKeilaTrent! |