Thought it'd be nice to give you a little sneak peak into the HARD WORK I'm having to put in at these schools, hehe...BEST JOB EVER!!!
As some of you may or may not know, as Miss Kentucky, I am employed by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture as a spokesperson for the Kentucky Proud campaign. I get to travel to schools and events all across the commonwealth!!! Of course, I can already tell that speaking and spending time with the children will be my favorite :o)
The heart and mind of a child are just the most precious things in the world because they are so HONEST. Children will say and do almost anything and it is usually rather entertaining!
This is a conversation that happened yesterday in one of the classrooms I visited.
Child: MISS KENTUCKY!!! How do you keep your crown on?!?
Me: With these magical clips I bought from Wal-Mart!
Child: You can buy magic at Wal-Mart?!?
Me: You can buy anything at Wal-Mart!
Child: Well, I still can't wear your crown because I'm bald!
Me: Yes, they may present a problem.
Child: Mr. Wesley can't wear the crown because he's bald too!
Me: You're very right!
Child: I'm bald like Mr. Wesley, but Mr. Wesley is brown!
(My eyes got so wide and I just burst out into laughter! The child began laughing too)
Child: You're brown too Miss Kentucky!
Me: Yes, that is very true! And so are some of your classmates!
Child: Yeah! That's pretty cool!
Haha, I get tickled just sitting here thinkin about that. I was not at all offended by it, because it really was just an honest observation made by "child". Often times those are things that we tell children not to say or mention, and we often avoid those conversations as adults. But I feel that those are the conversations that children need to be able to have. What I liked most about that conversation that I had on Friday was that, the child in no way implied that it was a problem or strange to him that his teacher and I were both "brown". He was simply stating the obvious. I feel that his statement was more intuitive as to why we were brown and he was not,but we were all seemingly the same. I am sure that there will be more conversations of this nature to come during my year of service, and I look forward to them!
I have had some fun times at the schools I have visited thus far. The first school I went to was on their first day of school! It was sooo cool! They had a red carpet/hollywood theme. I was just thinking to myself, "Man! My school never did cool things like this!" I would have looooved to walk down the red carpet for my first day of school! However, I digress. It clearly was not about me, haha, it was about the kiddies :o)
Thursday, August 5 was MIRACLE TREAT DAY! Did you get your blizzard??? I did! I had three blizzards before lunch time even rolled around, and boy did I have a tummy ache! It's okay though, I'll take a tummy ache for the kids :o) I was able to help promote Miracle Treat Day on a couple of a news stations here in Kentucky, and I also posted it all over my facebook and twitter ( #shamelessplug :o) I even took the liberty of recording my own PSA for Miracle Treat Day, in which you will see me working on my third blizzard, haha...Miss Kentucky Miracle Treat PSA! (<-click to watch)
I was also able to spend time with some of the children and families who's lives have been saved through the UK Children's Hospitals. These children are strong. They are so strong. To go through the things they've been through, and to fight and stand against the odds... It is so beautiful. Their strength gives me strength. I'm really not sure who was more excited to be meeting who!
I was also able to spend time with some of the children and families who's lives have been saved through the UK Children's Hospitals. These children are strong. They are so strong. To go through the things they've been through, and to fight and stand against the odds... It is so beautiful. Their strength gives me strength. I'm really not sure who was more excited to be meeting who!
This post is dedicated to my Ashley.
Ashley. I am very proud of you. You know who you are, and whether you win or not (in anything you do) you are just as poised as ever. I admire you, and you are such an inspiration to me. You took me under your wing and have taught me everything you know. Although you don't need it, this Miss Kentucky crown that I wear on my head is yours too. You are a queen. You wear your crown everyday, whether you are headed to spinning class or a Stop AIDs event. I love you, and I respect you, and I thank God for placing you in my life. This one's for you!
Ashley. I am very proud of you. You know who you are, and whether you win or not (in anything you do) you are just as poised as ever. I admire you, and you are such an inspiration to me. You took me under your wing and have taught me everything you know. Although you don't need it, this Miss Kentucky crown that I wear on my head is yours too. You are a queen. You wear your crown everyday, whether you are headed to spinning class or a Stop AIDs event. I love you, and I respect you, and I thank God for placing you in my life. This one's for you!
I really left out a lot of things, and I'm soooo sorry! I will try to do better and update the blog more often! In the meanwhile, hope you can enjoy the pictures!!!
i like to rally the kids!!! they like it too :o) |
Thank you Dr's White Greer and Maggard! Making sure I have that Miss America smile! |
posing with Dr. Jim (Greer)! |
she wanted me to sign her wristband |
future miss kentucky??? we shall see :o) |
i got to meet stacey mckenzie (she has a beautiful story to tell) |
got caught with my hand in the cheese ball jar!!! |
she loooves princesses!!! |
signed my first cast!!! There are more pictures on facebook, check them out when you have time! Later!!! AlwaysLove, DjuanKeilaTrent! |